This is an ODM® Testing for players within the Heat Premier organization. Players who test will receive ODM® numbers, an Allister Index, scorecard and placement on our National Leaderboard. 

What to Wear – Practice gear and turf shoes.
What to Bring – Be sure to bring your glove, bat and water.
Payment - The full payment is being covered by the organization and players must have a free basic or paid premium OnDeck Profile to regsiter. Please review our REFUND POLICY.
ODM® Results - Numbers will be posted to your profile 1 week after combine. An email with your scorecard will also be sent to the email used for registration.
National Leaderboard – Players metrics will appear on the National Leaderboard by class free of charge for 30 days. After 30 days, players are subject to a $25 annual service fee to remain on our National Leaderboard. 

Players will participate in the following tests. 

  • 10-20-40 Yard Dash
  • Agility Shuttle
  • Bat Speed (avg)
  • Time to Impact (avg)
  • Hand Speed (avg)
  • Exit Speed (avg)
  • Overhand Throwing Velocity (avg)
  • Broad Jump
  • Grip

**All tests must be completed to receive an Allister Index. Tests cannot be supplemented with previous testing numbers.

If you are a player that is interesting in attending, please click the button below.

Player Registration

ODM® Results - Numbers will be posted to your profile within 10 days combine. An email with your scorecard will also be sent to the email used for registration.

National Leaderboard –Players metrics will appear on the National Leaderboard by class free of charge for 30 days. After 30 days, players are subject to a $25 annual service fee to remain on our National Leaderboard. 


OnDeck helps high school softball players and college coaches connect. Our events give players ways to showcase their talent, and college coaches a venue to evaluate players across the country.

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