This information will be posted by Friday, March 14th

Please remember that the ODM numbers, while growing increasingly important, are only a snapshot of a player’s evaluation and potential. They are also just a portion of the Tryout selection process, for more information read Your Tryout & ODM Numbers. Use these numbers as a tool and work at developing your athleticism, but constantly work on improving and refining your softball skill set – both offensively and defensively.

These numbers have also been posted to your profile. An Allister Index is not given with Tryout ODM numbers. If you have any questions about your ODM Numbers, email

CLICK HERE to view the Saturday Tryout ODM Numbers/Pitch/Pop

CLICK HERE to view the Sunday Tryout ODM Numbers/Pitch/Pop

Evaluations will be available for purchase starting Friday, March 14th


OnDeck helps high school softball players and college coaches connect. Our events give players ways to showcase their talent, and college coaches a venue to evaluate players across the country.

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